The Best Is Yet To Come…

As you can see, it’s been awhile since I last posted a blog. A lot has happened since I posted back in Sept. 2010. I can honestly say that I have experienced and lived life. Yet, there is so much more of life, I have yet to experience and live. In the past year in a half, I have gone through so much. I have experienced such good things…new friends, new relationships, love, laughter, adventure, breakthrough, healing and restoration as well as some struggles..testing, failure, lost friends and loved ones, sadness, heartache and grief.

Given all of the things I have experienced, I have grown and continue to grow as I trust in God. Through everything, I am CONVINCED that God is forever faithful even when we are not and even when we don’t understand. He is always there and He loves us soooooo much!! I am hopeful for 2012 and I believe and claim that the “Best Is Yet To Come.” That is my prayer for myself and for all of my family and friends!! I am so thankful for my family and friends who have touched my life with your support, love and friendship. Your lives have thoroughly enriched mine.

Happy New Year!!

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